A revisionist portrayal of Mary Magdalane
Amora, a young Greek girl, survives the Roman Conquest and ends up in Judea, where she takes up with the followers of the Rabboni -- who is soon assassinated. Rabboni’s wife, the Mari of Magdala flees to save their unborn child from Rabboni’s assassins. Amora becomes Mari’s disciple and travels with her to a Temple Complex in Egypt where she gives birth to Sara. All is well for five years until Rome catches up with them.
There is a siege and a massacre at the Temple Complex. Amora escapes with Sara into the labyrinth below. They flee by boat. Their tiny boat ends up free-floating off the coast of Gaul, where they are rescued by local fishermen. In Gaul, Sara performs a mass healing and becomes a legend. Amora is reunited with her mother. After three years, the ships of Joseph of Arimathea appear on the horizon. Mari is on one of the ships and reunites with Sara. Together, they all sail off for the Isle of Glass to build the first Christian Church.

Are we presenting this as true history?
Mary Magdalene portrayed as a black Ethiopian Jew, the wife of Jesus, his greatest disciple, mother of his child, and a princess instead of a prostitute as traditionally portrayed in the Bible, will undoubtedly generate controversy worldwide.
This portrayal would challenge the long-held beliefs of many Christians and would likely be seen as a significant departure from traditional Christian doctrine.
While some people may welcome this portrayal as a more accurate representation of Mary Magdalene's life, others may find it offensive or insulting. Ultimately, it would spark a shift in consciousness about perceiving delicate subjects as religion, spirituality, race, and cultural identity.
We do not present this film as historical fact, but as an alternative point of view designed to allow the viewer to come to his or her own conclusions about what may or may not have happened during the time these characters walked the earth, and they are still walking amongst us and through us as divine archetypes, female and male as one life force energy.

Challenge the Main Stream Narrative
It is important to note that the idea of Mary Magdalene as an Ethiopian Jew and the wife of Jesus is not a widely accepted historical or theological theory. While there are some alternative interpretations of the Bible and early Christian history that suggest this possibility, there is not enough evidence to definitively prove it.
If it were proven true, however, it could potentially shake up the foundations of the Church and Christianity as a whole. It could cause many people to question the validity of traditional Religious teachings and prompt them to reexamine their beliefs. It could also challenge preconceived notions about race and gender in religious history and spark a larger conversation about representation and inclusion in religious narratives.
However, it is important to remember that faith and belief are deeply personal and subjective, and while new information and interpretations can challenge our understanding of the world, they do not necessarily invalidate our spiritual experiences and beliefs. The idea of Mary Magdalene as an Ethiopian Jew may be a powerful symbol of inclusivity and diversity in religious history, but ultimately, it is up to each individual to interpret its meaning and significance for themselves.